Over the past 15 plus years of me being a cyclist/triathlete, I have tested and used many different saddles, from narrow ones to wide ones to split nose to ones that even inflate for increased cushion. I did finally find a saddle or two that did work well for me, but for the most part saddles have really been unchanged for as long as biking has been around.
Then I had the opportunity to use the BiSaddle that had just come out.  This saddle immediately caught my attention due to the fact that it was adjustable and a cyclist could adjust it to their own pelvis to make it more comfortable and better for that individual.  This saddle just blew me away being able to make micro adjustments while out on my ride to make it more comfortable while I am out riding.  I didn’t have to go do a major expensive bike fit to get more comfort. Once I got my measurements off my bike I could then adjust my BiSaddle to make my fit even more comfortable.  I cannot wait for newer BiSaddles to come out with even better adjustments and options.
Heath Thurston
Triathlete coach & former triathlete coach for USA triathlon