Pain Cave- Must Haves, Tips, And Tricks
Setup For Indoor Cycling
Smart trainer
Rocker board – sits under your bike and trainer to mimic a more road-like ride
Computer stand – holds computer/tablet while using virtual riding apps
Side table – holds hydration, snacks, pen and paper, and anything else you may need so you don’t haveto interrupt your ride
Fan – gives you a breeze as if you were riding outside!
Virtual riding (Zwift, Rouvy, BKool, etc) – allows you to connect with other cyclists and gives you a virtual world to ride in; can help alleviate boredom
TV and Bluetooth speaker – use sparingly but can come in very handy for a little entertainment on longrides or to pump you up during hard training sets
Mirror – helps to check form
Extra clean towels – because it gets a little messy from time to time
Strength Training Equipment
Bosu Ball, Physio Ball, Medicine Ball, Dumbbell Set, Resistance Bands, Foam Roller, Weight Bench
Typical 7 Day Pain Cave Training Plan
1.5 hour aerobic ride on bike trainer using Zwift
Stretching plus ½ hour stretch cord workout
2 hour bike trainer workout - warm up, intervals, cool down.
Strength exercises – hip, hamstring, glute
Monster walk
Suitcase bosu squats
3x8 curtsey lunges
2x10 one-leg RDL with weight
2x10 bosu ball hamstring curls
3x10 adductor pull-ins
3x8 one-leg wall sits
3x30 sec each dead bug with weight box (or weight bench)
Plyo jumps 3x8
Stretching warm up plus 45 min stretch cord workout
Evening run
2 hour bike trainer workout – warm up, intervals, cool down
Strength exercises – upper body and core focus
Chest press
Chest flys
Lat pullover with dumbbell
Burpees on bosu with overhead lift
Roll outs on physio ball
Russian twists
Bicycle crunches
Side and front plank with leg lift
Stretching plus 45 min stretch cord workout
Long aerobic ride with good mix of hills on Zwift (4-5 hours)
Short brick run
Long aerobic run (1-2 hours)
Foam rolling
15-30 min core exercises